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Galacticon Terms and Conditions, Rules, and Policies

Agreement to ALL Terms

You’re here to have fun. We’re here to make it possible for you to have that fun. For all that to happen, The Roswell Galacticon Committee, dba The Roswell Galacticon and/or The Roswell SciFi Film Fest, including any of their representatives, directors, officers, employees and consultants, (hereafter referred to as the Convention) has rules, policies, disclaimers, terms and conditions (hereafter referred to as the Terms) in place that are necessary for the safety and comfort of everyone.

These Terms are for ALL Convention events, locations, information, websites, and social media platforms. The Terms are subject to change without notice.

The information contained on the website, social media, printed material, and at live events has been prepared for general information only. It is made available in good faith by the Convention. All information has been derived from sources deemed to be reliable and accurate. All information, including information regarding attendance of Celebrity Guests, Artists, Writers, Vendors/Exhibitors are subject to change. The Convention does not give any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information and accepts no responsibility for updating or correcting any part of the information.


By visiting the website or any social media, viewing printed, audio, or video material, or attending live events you agree to be bound by ALL of our Terms listed herein. If you do not want to be bound by our Terms your only option is not to visit, view, participate in, or otherwise use the services of the Convention. Noncompliance may result in ejection from the Convention with NO refunds. You understand and acknowledge that these Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and the Convention.


1. Costumes

The Convention is a family-friendly event. Please use common sense, be considerate of other attendees and be aware of your surroundings.

Cover your body parts. “No costume” is not a costume; “paint” and/or “pasties” are not a costume. No intentional or unintentional “wardrobe malfunctions” allowed. Please make sure your costume is sturdily constructed; this includes proper undergarments.


If your costume is deemed to be too revealing or offensive, you will be asked to cover up or change. Swimsuit rules apply, if it is covered in a swimsuit, it should be fine. Be cautious of your peers. Footwear is required.


All military, law enforcement, and other emergency service costumes should be easily distinguishable from official uniforms.


Hate symbols, even historical hate symbols like swastikas, will not be tolerated.

Please, no signs offering services or making requests to be hugged or touched.

2. Props and Weapons

No functional props or weapons are allowed at the Convention. Simulated or costume weapons are allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by security and compliance with the following:


ALL costume props and weapons must be inspected at the Check In Area. All weapons must be easily distinguishable from real weapons, inoperable, and must be constructed from safe, lightweight material. Approved materials for weapons are wood, plastic, foam, rubber, cardboard, paper, and thermoplastics (worbla, sintra, etc.). For safety reasons, they must not look real.


After each weapon has been checked, it will be tagged by security. Security will escort you to the Check In Area for inspection if weapons or props have not been properly tagged. Once your weapon(s) have been inspected, do not remove the tag for any reason.


All prop firearms must be incapable of firing projectiles and have an orange cap on the barrel. Projectiles or any type of ammunition are forbidden. BB guns, paintball guns, dart guns, blow guns and water guns and their accompanying ammunition will NOT be permitted. Air-soft guns must be rendered completely inoperable before entering the event. Functional (real) arrows must have their tips removed and be bundled and zip-tied to a quiver. Full metal Air-soft guns are not allowed. Nerf guns are allowed, but ammunition of any kind (foam or otherwise) is prohibited. Nerf guns must pass weapons check and will have triggers zip-tied to prevent guns from firing.


Real firearms, regardless of any degree of disassembling, are forbidden. Incendiary, spark-creating, or other flammable weapons are PROHIBITED. Likewise, any items classified as an ECD (taser, stun-guns, etc.) are PROHIBITED.


Keep prop weapons in convention areas. If you leave the premises or go out into public for any reason, please put away any and all prop weaponry immediately.


If you do not want to have your costume weapons inspected and tagged or if you are unwilling to comply with these policies, please leave them at home. Failure to willingly comply with the official cosplay rules and weapons policy of the Convention may result in ejection from the Convention (without a refund) and/or potential legal action, if necessary.


3. Cosplay Is Not Consent

COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT. Do not touch a cosplayer unless they have given you permission. Unwanted advances could result in removal from the convention with no refund.


4. Prohibited Items

Bags and backpacks are allowed, but are subject to a bag check at the discretion of staff and security.

Alcohol or alcoholic beverages are not allowed inside the Convention or at any of our official offsite events. Bag searches may be performed at various entry locations. Wanding and metal detectors may be used at some locations as well. Make sure to leave your drones, helium balloons, helium-filled products, fireworks, handcarts, trolleys, rolling luggage, and pets (excluding service animals) at home. Absolutely no functioning props or weapons are allowed. Only active on-duty police officers may carry firearms within The Convention. All other persons are strictly prohibited regardless of license or status.

5. Code of Conduct

Attendees must respect common sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.

The Convention reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the membership and badge of any attendee not in compliance with this policy.


Persons finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety is at risk or who become aware of an attendee not in compliance with this policy should immediately locate the nearest member of security or staff member so that the matter can be handled in an expeditious manner.

6. Content Liability & Proprietary

All information shared on website or in any location or event by the Convention is simply conjecture: conclusions which have been derived from experience and extensive research. No liability is implied or assumed in regards to the application of any material herein.


In other words, use the information and materials we provide at your own risk. We cannot, and DO NOT, accept any liability for results of applying any information provided or implied from our materials.


The Convention shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages. This shall include, but not be limited to damages for loss of profits, business interruption, or business reputation or goodwill.


The Convention may include references and/or hyperlinks to third-party content, advertising or websites. The Convention is not responsible for and does not endorse any advertising, products or resource available from such resources or websites.


The Convention may contain proprietary and confidential information including trademarks, service marks and patents protected by intellectual property laws. The Convention authorizes you to view and make a single copy of portions of its content for offline, personal, non-commercial use. Our content may not be sold, reproduced, or distributed without our written permission. Any third-party trademarks, service marks and logos are the property of their respective owners. Any further rights not specifically granted herein are reserved.


The Convention is entitled to modify, improve or discontinue any of its services at its sole discretion and without notice to you even if it may result in you being prevented from accessing any information contained in it.


7. Submitted Content and Images

When you submit content to or participate in any function, event, or aspect of the Convention you simultaneously grant the Convention an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty free license to publish, display, modify, distribute and syndicate your content worldwide. You confirm and warrant that you have the required authority to grant the above license to the Convention. By entering into this agreement you grant the Convention permission to use photographs, videotapes, artwork or other likenesses of you and/or your organization for marketing, trade, publishing or any other lawful purpose.


8. Airspace (Balloons, Drones, etc.)

No devices may be flown or tethered within the confines of the Exhibit Hall or at any Convention location or event. This includes drones, helium balloons and helium-filled products, or any lighter-than-air objects either powered or unpowered.


9. Badges

ID Badges will be issued for all Staff, Volunteers, Vendors, Security, and Press. These badges MUST be worn and visible at all times during official Convention events and activities.


Your event badge contains information that allows exhibitors to obtain your full name, company name, address, phone number, and email address. If you allow an exhibitor to view your badge, they can get this information. If you do not want exhibitors to have your contact information, do not allow your badge to be viewed and do not give your badge to anyone else.


If an exhibitor views your badge and obtains your contact information, they may contact you, send you information or share your information with others.


The Convention does not rent, sell, lend, or give its mailing list to anyone other than parties that need the information to assist in producing our events (e.g., the registration and housing companies).


10. No Handouts

No handing out of anything—including flyers, stickers, cards, or any promotional item—is allowed in any area inside or outside the Convention, except from within a booth in the Convention or when preapproved for placement on the Freebie Tables.


11. No Bicycles, Scooters, and Hoverboards

Scooters and bicycles are not allowed on the Convention grounds, including inside the building. By order of the Fire Marshal, hoverboards are not allowed at the Convention, including all inside or outside areas of the Convention, and additional venues featuring Convention events.


12. No Live Streaming of Any Program or Event at The Convention

The usage of live streaming apps and software on any electronic device (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) is not allowed in any official Convention program and event rooms, both onsite at The Convention and in other Convention venues.


13. No Market Research at The Convention

The Convention does not allow market research, surveys, or information-gathering in any public area—indoors or outdoors—of The Convention, or any other venue featuring Convention events.


14. No Paging

Please keep in mind that there will be no personal pages over the P.A. system. Set a time and place to meet with your family and friends and communicate with them via text or phone when necessary. There is also a message board available at The Convention, where you can post written messages.


15. No Pets Allowed

If you have pets, including iguanas, parrots, boa constrictors, or other nonhuman critters, please leave them at home. The Convention will not allow animals into the building except for service animals. If your service animal is not wearing any kind of ID identifying them as a service animal, you may be stopped by security.


16. No Retail Sales Unless Exhibit Space Has Been Purchased

No retail sales are allowed anywhere in the Convention unless you purchased or were allocated exhibit space. This includes the Vendor Hall, common areas such as lobbies, program rooms, and outside venues, such as the Convention grounds, and any venue featuring official Convention events. Retail sales are strictly limited to the exhibitors in the Vendor Hall. In addition, there is no solicitation of tips, fees, or donations for any reason, unless you have a booth, table, or official space allocated by the Convention.


17. No Sitting in Vendor Hall Aisles

By order of the fire marshal, sitting in the Vendor Hall aisles is not allowed. Lounges are located throughout The Convention Vendor Hall and near food concessions for your convenience.


18. No Smoking, Including E-cigarettes and Vaping Products and Devices

No smoking is allowed at any Convention event at any time and in any location. No smoking at The Convention includes traditional cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or E-cigarettes and any vaping product or device.


You are welcome to step outside the Convention to smoke in designated smoking areas only, but please be considerate of others when you do. This policy is in place not only for the comfort of attendees but also to comply with city ordinances prohibiting smoking at public events near any doorway, entrance, exit, or operable window.


19. No Video or Audio Recording of Panels for Public Display

Cameras and recording devices are permitted in program and panels rooms but cannot be used to reproduce the presentation and must not interfere with other fans' enjoyment of the presentation. Any recording of panels or programs is allowed only for personal use and not for broadcast in any form. No video or audio recording is allowed of the footage on the screens during movie and television panels. The footage shown in these panels is exclusive, brought to us by the studios and networks. Please respect their rights and allow us to continue to show this type of material to our attendees.


20. All Rights Reserved

The Convention reserves the right to change or modify any policy or rule at any time and without notice. The Convention organizers will not be held liable should the event in its entirety, or part thereof, be cancelled or changed in any way. Anyone taking part, exhibiting or attending this event do so at their own risk. Noncompliance may result in ejection from the Convention with NO refunds. You understand and acknowledge that these Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and the Convention


©2022 The Roswell Galacticon and The Roswell SciFi Film Fest

© 2024 by

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