Space Cost – Vendor Booth: $265.
There will be a $50 late fee if reserved after 5:00 pm, Monday, June 14, 2024.
Each unit is approximately 10’ x 9’ and additional space can be purchased in those increments. If available, vendor space after this deadline will be on a first come, first serve basis.
No refunds after June 24th. We have reserved the entire Main Hall this year doubling our space to provide an awesome event!
Terms of Contract: This contract shall be an agreement between the 2024 Roswell Galacticon Committee (RGC) and the undersigned Vendor for the 2024 Roswell Galacticon according to the terms as follows:
• Vendor shall abide by all Rules and Regulations set forth by the RGC. The Vendor agrees to hold harmless the committee, the City of Roswell NM and their employees, agents and volunteers, from any damages or stolen property during the Galacticon. Spaces will be assigned by the Committee according to type, availability and date of receipt.
• Vendor times: set-up will be on Thursday, July 4th, from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm and Friday, July 5th from 8:00 am to be open by noon. The Vendor Hall will be open to the public as follows: Friday, July 5th – noon to 6:00 pm, Saturday, July 5th 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Sunday, July 7th – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Vendor is required to be open until 4:00 pm, Sunday, July 7th, 2023. Take-down time will be from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Sunday. Any other time arrangements must be made with the RGC agent. Agreement to these terms is shown by submission of application. Contract becomes valid upon payment processing.
Vendor Booth
Vendor shall abide by these Vendor Terms of Agreement and all Rules, Policies, and Terms & Conditions set forth by the 2024 Roswell Galacticon Committee (RGC - Hereafter referred to as The Convention). The Vendor agrees to hold harmless the committee, the City of Roswell and their employees, agents and volunteers, from any damages or stolen property during The Convention.
This contract shall be an agreement between The Convention and the undersigned Vendor for the 2024 Roswell Galacticon and Roswell SciFi Film Fest according to the Vendor Agreement.